Tuesday, February 19, 2013

{decorate} Part 2: Stealing fashion tips for great interiors

This is where I continue to paraphrase from Stacy and Clinton, generally stealing their ideas about the elements of a great outfit and apply them to decorating our houses.

Because it's really all the same.  Color. Texture. Pattern. Shine.
(We are almost professionals now.)

We talked COLOR the other day and I gave you some cool links to use to get your color creativity going. Today let's chat about texture while we have our second cups of coffee.

I'm really still trying to incorporate intentional use of texture into my interior, because I notice that I keep buying things that are velvet, and Stacy and Clinton probably wouldn't approve of this.  For example, I have the famous YELLOW COUCH, which is velvet.  And across from it sit two lovely silver slipper chairs (also velvet).  I think that's probably not cool.  I was more color-focused, and I really am troubled now about this texture infraction: 

(yellow couch with silver slipper chairs.  both velvet. clearly not thinking about mixing texture. oops.)

I made you a nifty "Texture" board on Pinterest!  Wanna see?  

What about you?  Do you love to mix textures, or is it kind of intimidating?  Do you have certain textures you really love to use together?

I'd love to see a space you're working on if you want to share one on the Facebook wall!

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